Bengaline Tablecloth for Rent

Bengaline Tablecloth for Rent


$16.67 / day

White White
Ivory Ivory
Maize Maize
Yellow Yellow
Gold Gold
Bright Gold Bright Gold
Buttercup Buttercup
Mango Mango
Burnt Orange Burnt Orange
Coral Coral
Cerise Cerise
Crimson Crimson
Bubblegum Bubble Gum
Dusty Mauve Dusty Mauve
Blush Blush
Pastel Pink Pastel Pink
Lavender Lavender
Wood Violet Wood Violet
Royal Royal
Ocean Ocean
Powder Blue Powder Blue
Aqua Aqua
Turquoise Turquoise
Teal Teal
Spruce Spruce
Emerald Emerald
Apple Apple
Parsley Parsley
Celadon Celadon
Sage Sage
Walnut Walnut
Espresso Espresso
Toast Toast
Maple Maple
Burgundy Burgundy
Wine Wine
Amethyst Amethyst
Navy Navy
Silver Silver
Grey Grey
Black Black

Select the previous option first

Fabric Bengaline
Pattern Solid
Weight Heavy weight

When you want a textured table linen, consider this bengaline tablecloth. It will provide a sturdiness and will attract the eyes of your guests. The elegant ribbed effect will feel nice against the fingers as well.